Monday, March 29, 2010

"Growing your savings" Workshop Tues April 6th 7:30pm

New Workshop for Lower Mainland Residents!!!!!
Space is still available...

I am putting a workshop on for anyone who is interested in ways to grow their savings.

Whether you own your home or rent a property you are probably wondering how you can manage your day to day expenses and still have some money left over to put away.
If you have a young family this seems even more difficult!

The first step is to define your values around money. What do you strive for? What are your goals?

2nd step is to find out where you are today, Where is your money coming from? Where is it going?

3rd step is to find out where you can possibly cut back, use a budget

Finally, align your spending and saving habits with your values

Watch your money grow.

Investment/Saving options
Retirement savings vs Tax Free Savings Accounts
Guaranteed vs Market based products

Please contact me if you are interested in joining us!
For exact location (False Creek/Granville island) contact me

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