Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Early detection is key!

I have titled this "early detection is key" for a few reasons. When it comes to our health we think we are unstoppable. Of course, because why would you ever want to think you will get sick or injured? Living in constant fear is not the answer, nor is living in denial.

So.. the happy middle is where to be. Live your life the healthiest you can, monitor yourself by paying attention to anything that seems to be a little off. If something bothers you then go to a Doctor. I am not one to run to the dr for a little cold but I can assure you I would be there in a second if something seemed unusual. This is why.. my family's financial plan includes a "back up". If any of us were faced with a health crisis we will be ok.

And we were... in April 2007 my partner Tracy was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was 34 yrs old. Chemo treatments, Surgeries, time off work, healing, emotional chaos... It all took a toll on us. Luckily though, it did not cause financial stress. Tracy had Critical illness insurance. She is in fantastic health now and you would never know she was ill. I have critical illness insurance and so does our 5yr old son. I do not plan on ever using mine or Nathan's. Great! because it will act like a forced savings for us. Meaning we will get all of our money paid into the plan back when we cancel it! Win win.

So the next time I hear of someone diagnosed with an illness or getting into a serious accident.. The first thing I say is I hope they have a plan to get through this. Because they most certainly will get through it. I just hope that they can with the least amount of stress.

Also, if you have a plan such as this, you will be more likely to detect early on. That makes all the difference in treatment and survival.

To health!


Please contact me if you would like more info on your own back up plan.

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