Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Finding the value.. Why women need to play role in financial planning

This post is for the women out there that have said this about anything financial in their relationship..
"My husband takes care of all that stuff"
"He says we are taken care of"
"I don't have a clue so I stay out it" get the idea.

Here's the reality..
- women usually out-live their husbands which means sooner or later they will be dealing with all the finances
- many elderly women are living off government programs such as CPP,OAS. Some relying on children, or forced to work part time if able to support themselves.
- Many women, working and stay at home moms are the main care providers for their children. This means interrupted working years, less income or no household income.
- Pensions at retirement may be minimal or not even available
- An illness or death can have a huge negative impact on immediate and future plans

- Denial is not a solution. Neither is living in fear. Being aware of certain vulnerabilities is first step, then we find ways to fill those gaps.
Once plans are in place, you can enjoy life, be healthy and enjoy your successes.

Many people do not want to discuss these topics.
So here is what I've decided to do. I am preparing to do seminars focusing on the need for all women to be involved in their future planning needs.
Health, Exercise and Security are going to be the 3 areas we will be discussing.

Stay tuned for the first seminar date. Coming soon
If you have any ideas you would like to share, please do.

Be well,

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