Thursday, January 12, 2012

Interview with my 6 yr old

I was interviewed by my 6 yr old son yesterday. They are doing a project in his class on "Jobs in your community". I was so proud that he asked me what I do but I was a little stumped. I will tell you why...

The questions were like this..

Title of job - I chose one
- Insurance Advisor

3 activities that are involved in the job.
1. Meeting with clients
2. Helping families plan for the future
3. Delivering cheques when they need it

3 tools used to perform the job
1. Computer
2. phone
3. money

Talk about pressure to keep it short and fit in the space provided!
Being put on the spot, I realized that this is a good exercise for everyone to do.
When asked what you do by a friend, neighbour etc can you define your work in a few short lines/sentences?

Are you happy with the work you do? I can definitely say YES! and so proud to share this with my son.

To health and happiness!

If you are interested in learning more about the work I do please contact me

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