Thursday, April 12, 2012

Celebrating the good...

My life is about celebrating and appreciating. I am so thankful for the lessons that I've learned and what I have faced in my young life.
Some people are able to go through life with little upset, disappointmets and loss. I am so happy for them! I wish I could say the same for me. Yet I am thankful for the challenges I have faced because they have taught me so much. I never want anyone to go through what I have.. Losing my Mom to a devastating illness at 53, my Dad dying from a heart attack at the age of 68, my partner being diagnosed with breast name a few things.
I like to think I have handled all of this with great strength and a positive, happy attitude. From all of this I have had many great things and people come into my life. That is why I am thankful. I have so much to celebrate.. my health, my family, an amazing son, my friends, my career.. I can go on and on.
Keeping a positive attitude and being thankful for things I do have is a main reason I have been able to manage tragedy. Focusing on the things I can control and helping others do the same is what I focus on now.

Unfortunately tragedy can strike at any time. Therefore it is our responsibility to be prepared because this is what we can control.
I can help you with some of these..
- you may get ill or severely injured
- you may die too young and force your spouse and family to struggle financially
- you may be fortunate to live a long life but not have saved enough money for your retirement and become a burden on your kids

I am not suggesting that any of these things will happen.. and I certainly hope they do not. By having a few plans in place, you can make sure that if the "what if" happens that you and your family will be ok.

Thanks for reading!

Contact me to talk about your plan

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